Who are the VYFWBP?

We are a friendly community group, run by parents, who meet every Thursday morning in West Bank Park, York. Whatever the weather, school hols included, we spend a couple of hours in the woods and meadows of the Park, doing nature games and crafts, building or making things with materials we find, telling stories and singing songs.

We are open to all - with a contribution of £1 a family (to cover basic equipment) - so if you want to join us, see you on Thursday at 10am at the statue of Queen Victoria, at the top of the Rose Walk. (Bring something simple to share at snack time.)

For more information contact Elly at: westbankparkkids@gmail.com

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Not even gale force winds can deter a seasoned Young Friend of West Bank Park and we were out in good numbers the day after the "Big Storm" in February. Slightly different reactions to the sight of two fallen pines at our meeting spot by Queen Victoria:

 "Oh dear, that's really sad," said the adults.

"Foxes and buried treasure!" cried the children before diving under the roots to investigate.

Our parent rota is working well with different faces bringing new ideas and fun to our sessions. Thanks to Tassy and Lucy and especially professional artist Tanya for opening up Holgate church hall doors to reveal everything you could ever need for a special paint and craft session  - right down to brand new shiny pinnies!

Also thanks to Hayley who has continued to support the Young Friends long after leaving the group, by running the admin and finances. I'll be standing in for this from now on so if you have any questions, want to volunteer to run a session (note how I've put that in bold!), or would like to join in the fun, please contact me at sneekton@hotmail.com.  Bye for now, Vicki

Our beloved Queen Victoria

Our beloved Queen Victoria
We sometimes bow to her before we set off into the woods!