Who are the VYFWBP?

We are a friendly community group, run by parents, who meet every Thursday morning in West Bank Park, York. Whatever the weather, school hols included, we spend a couple of hours in the woods and meadows of the Park, doing nature games and crafts, building or making things with materials we find, telling stories and singing songs.

We are open to all - with a contribution of £1 a family (to cover basic equipment) - so if you want to join us, see you on Thursday at 10am at the statue of Queen Victoria, at the top of the Rose Walk. (Bring something simple to share at snack time.)

For more information contact Elly at: westbankparkkids@gmail.com

Monday 18 April 2011

The new play equipment is finally here!

The fundraising and tendering process has been a long one, but finally most of the new play equipment is in the playground. See right for some of Elly Ross' beautiful photos of the kids in the group enjoying it.

There have been a few hiccups - bamboo posts being torn out of the ground by someone who didn't fancy watching whatever was on telly that night (we suppose), and the much-longed-for children's bird hide not turning up yet. This has now been re-ordered, so let's hope it's there soon.

In 'Other News', I (Catherine) am on 'maternity leave' from the group till about mid-June, so a fabulous rota of other group members having been leading sessions since March. Every one I've been at has been great. New members always welcome at any time!

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Our beloved Queen Victoria

Our beloved Queen Victoria
We sometimes bow to her before we set off into the woods!