Who are the VYFWBP?

We are a friendly community group, run by parents, who meet every Thursday morning in West Bank Park, York. Whatever the weather, school hols included, we spend a couple of hours in the woods and meadows of the Park, doing nature games and crafts, building or making things with materials we find, telling stories and singing songs.

We are open to all - with a contribution of £1 a family (to cover basic equipment) - so if you want to join us, see you on Thursday at 10am at the statue of Queen Victoria, at the top of the Rose Walk. (Bring something simple to share at snack time.)

For more information contact Elly at: westbankparkkids@gmail.com

Sunday 1 February 2009

New Year safari

This week was Chinese New Year. Laura treated us to the story of how the Chinese years got their names: how the Emperor asked twelve animals to run a race across the river, and named the years in the order they arrived on the other side. She gave the children masks to wear, to 'be' the animals, and afterwards we went 'hunting' animals in the woods - wooden and plastic animals that had been planted there by me and my kids just ten minutes earlier, obviously! But my kids were no less surprised than any of the others to 'find' them hiding in bushes and on tree stumps!

Then we adjourned to a secluded corner of the woods to get down to some tree-painting, using that expensive craft material, tap water. As long as it's a dry day this works beautifully, as the bark changes colour quite dramatically.

Also in attendance this week was one of the artists who is bidding for our art/mapping project this spring and summer. He quizzed us all about what we might like to see on the map he will produce if he gets the contract. Don't forget about the meeting on the 19th Feb to decide between the various bids (1pm, Rowntree Park cafe)

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Our beloved Queen Victoria

Our beloved Queen Victoria
We sometimes bow to her before we set off into the woods!