Who are the VYFWBP?

We are a friendly community group, run by parents, who meet every Thursday morning in West Bank Park, York. Whatever the weather, school hols included, we spend a couple of hours in the woods and meadows of the Park, doing nature games and crafts, building or making things with materials we find, telling stories and singing songs.

We are open to all - with a contribution of £1 a family (to cover basic equipment) - so if you want to join us, see you on Thursday at 10am at the statue of Queen Victoria, at the top of the Rose Walk. (Bring something simple to share at snack time.)

For more information contact Elly at: westbankparkkids@gmail.com

Saturday 28 June 2008

Welcome to the Very Young Friends of West Bank Park's BLOG!

The Very Young Friends have been meeting at the same well-loved (and much abused) statue of Queen Victoria, every Thursday morning, for a whole year now. We have trekked off to different parts of West Bank Park's woods and meadows and got up to all sorts of things we wouldn't want our work colleagues to see us doing, like building nests big enough for five kids to sit in, or playing shops using crabapples and alder cones as currency.

It is time we had our own blog. It will be a way of reminding us of the things we do together as parents and children in the Park, both the activities our kids took part in really enthusiastically and those we were much more enthusiastic about ourselves (because both are important!) It might also be interesting to other parent and toddler groups, nursery schools or childminders who want to do more outdoors.

Please, fellow VYFWBPs, feel free to contribute to this blog whenever you like. For the next while I will keep myself busy posting my notes from the past year - up till now I have just written a paragraph about each session in a large, black, very scrappy 2003 diary. It would be great if you (or anyone else with good ideas) wrote in with your suggestions for other activities we could try.

I am looking forward to blogging!

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Our beloved Queen Victoria

Our beloved Queen Victoria
We sometimes bow to her before we set off into the woods!